GEA Video
Getting Started in Plant Protein Separation Webinar
What you'll learn in this webinar: -The various plants from which protein can be extracted -- there are many and new sources are always being investigated -Plant protein isolates and concentrates...
Centro de Excelencia de Aceite de Oliva
Olive Oil Center of Excellence presentation video. What is it? How does it work? Feel the emotions of olive oil world!
Automatic Line for Cannelloni - Roma Price (Costa Rica)
Founded in 1961, Roma Prince S.A. (Costa Rica) had a rapid and solid growth based on the mission to elaborate the best 100% semolina pasta in the country. In this video, you will see the line for...
Gluten Free Long-cut Dry Pasta line - Italy
The new line for long-cut dry pasta line installed in Italy represents the state-of-the-art for processing gluten-free pasta by using non-pre-cooked flour. GEA designed, manufactured and installed...
Instant Noodles Line - 1000 kg/h
This instant noodles line has been specifically designed, engineered and installed in the heart of Europe by GEA. These pre-cooked noodle blocks, originating in Japan and very popular in the Asian...
Integrated Mill and Pasta Manufacturing Plant - Dobele Pasta (Latvia)
GEA installed this integrated plant composed of a mill, a short and long pasta factory and its packaging built in the premises of an old mill; the level of customization is remarkable given that...
Automatic Line for Lasagna - Roma Prince (Costa Rica)
Founded in 1961, Roma Prince S.A. (Costa Rica) had a rapid and solid growth based on the mission to elaborate the best 100% semolina pasta in the country. Installed in late 2014, this automatic...
Short-cut Dry Pasta line - 6000 kg/h - Alicorp (Peru)
Alicorp represents one of the biggest food producers in South America. Entirely equipped with GEA machinery, the plant-based at Callao, Lima (Peru) reaches the remarkable total capacity of 200.000...
Classic high quality beef burger with GEA PowerGrind and GEA ProMix
Preparation of mix for classic high quality beef burger with GEA PowerGrind and GEA ProMix
100% vegetable burger with GEA ProMix and GEA CutMaster
Preparation of vegetable mix for 100% vegetable burger with GEA ProMix and GEA CutMaster