GEA Video
Tagged with #foodprocessing
Meet Carl Mazzone, president of Mazzone Pasta
Carl Mazzone is the president of Mazzone Pasta, a pasta manufacturing company in Bloomindale Illinois, a town located 25 miles west of the city of Chicago. The company features a 5500 m²...
Automatic Line for Cannelloni - Roma Price (Costa Rica)
Founded in 1961, Roma Prince S.A. (Costa Rica) had a rapid and solid growth based on the mission to elaborate the best 100% semolina pasta in the country. In this video, you will see the line for...
Gluten Free Long-cut Dry Pasta line - Italy
The new line for long-cut dry pasta line installed in Italy represents the state-of-the-art for processing gluten-free pasta by using non-pre-cooked flour. GEA designed, manufactured and installed...
Instant Noodles Line - 1000 kg/h
This instant noodles line has been specifically designed, engineered and installed in the heart of Europe by GEA. These pre-cooked noodle blocks, originating in Japan and very popular in the Asian...
Integrated Mill and Pasta Manufacturing Plant - Dobele Pasta (Latvia)
GEA installed this integrated plant composed of a mill, a short and long pasta factory and its packaging built in the premises of an old mill; the level of customization is remarkable given that...
Automatic Line for Lasagna - Roma Prince (Costa Rica)
Founded in 1961, Roma Prince S.A. (Costa Rica) had a rapid and solid growth based on the mission to elaborate the best 100% semolina pasta in the country. Installed in late 2014, this automatic...
Short-cut Dry Pasta line - 6000 kg/h - Alicorp (Peru)
Alicorp represents one of the biggest food producers in South America. Entirely equipped with GEA machinery, the plant-based at Callao, Lima (Peru) reaches the remarkable total capacity of 200.000...