GEA Video

Tagged with gulfood

February 05, 2021

Pavan joins GEA as PEM at Gulfood

Pavan Group has been present at Gulfood Manufacturing since 2011. Today, as the PEM division of GEA, they are pleased to be joining the corporate stand at this show. Michele Darderi introduces PEM,...

February 05, 2021

Welcome to GEA at Gulfood

Welcome to GEA at Gulfood Manufacturing! Sunil Kumar invites you to our VIP Knowledge Sessions. To make the most of your stay, GEA experts are available to share their in-depth expertise and...

February 05, 2021

GEA CutMaster at Gulfood with Frank Liebscher

Frank Liebscher shows the GEA CutMaster at Gulfood Manufacturing, the fastest and most universal cutting machine in the market. Especially in the Middle-East the CutMaster is suitable for dates,...

February 05, 2021

GEA Food Processing innovations Gulfood

This year at Gulfood we promote our newest Food Processing innovations. GEA won the ‘Gulfood Manufacturing Industry Excellence Award’ with GEA CookStar SuperHeatSmoke in the 'Top Futuristic...

February 05, 2021

GEA Food Packaging solutions at Gulfood

GEA Food Packaging solutions at Gulfood Manufacturing, Thomas Mitterfellner explains about GEA's complete thermoforming solutions and Pepijn Brouwers will tell you more about easy and smart...

February 05, 2021

GEA SuperHeatSmoke, Gulfood Award winner, explained by Luuc van Lankveld

"It provides an authentic smoked product without the need for a large conventional smokehouse, which is an advantage for the customer as well as the consumers." During Gulfood Manufacturing in...

February 04, 2021

Ralph Arends about GEA SmartPacker CX400

The GEA SmartPacker SX400 is your all-around packing champion. Product Sales Manager, Ralph Arends will tell you how this vertical form-fill-seal packer will start adding value to your products...

February 04, 2021

Mirando Timmermans about the GEA MultiFormer

Mirando Timmermans, Project Sales Manager Middle East, talks about the GEA MultiFormer, a flexible former designed to add appeal to food by forming red meat, poultry, seafood, cheese, vegetables...

February 04, 2021

Thomas Mitterfellner about the GEA PowerPak

The GEA PowerPak is the most versatile machine in the Thermoforming market. Thomas Mitterfellner, Sales Steering Manager Thermoforming, explains why this high-capacity thermoformer perfectly...

February 04, 2021

Frank Liebscher talks about the GEA PowerGrind

Frank Liebscher, Product Sales Manager Meat Treatment, talks about the GEA PowerGrind 200, which is part of the new generation GEA Grinders with improved capacity, hygiene and safety performance....