GEA Video

Tagged with expo

February 05, 2021

GEA SmartPacker TwinTube at PackExpo

Marco Lemmen introduces the new SmartPacker TwinTube. Our vertical packaging machine has been completely re-designed as a future-proof modular system with increased functional efficiency promoting...

February 05, 2021

GEA Visitron Filler ALL-IN-ONE at PackExpo

Andreja Markoja about GEA Visitron Filler ALL-IN-ONE, an ‘all-in-one’ rapid changeover, multipurpose rinse, fill and close solution for aluminum cans, glass and plastic bottles.

February 05, 2021

GEA PowerPak PLUS at PackExpo

Burt Christina tells you everything about GEA PowerPak PLUS. The thermoformer for superior packaging quality and less film consumption.

February 05, 2021

GEA SmartPacker TwinTube Overview Video

Marco Lemmen recaps the capabilities of the newest, high-speed GEA vertical bagger at the 2019 Pack Expo in Las Vegas, NV, USA

February 05, 2021

GEA PowerPak PLUS Overview Video

Burt Cristina shows us the features and advantages of the new thermoformer at the 2019 Pack Expo in Las Vegas, NV, USA