GEA Video
Tagged with environmental
Supporting decanter centrifuge customers
At GEA we believe in supporting our decanter centrifuge customers and providing on-site sample testing and process optimisation for maximum machine performance. Through calculating total solids...
The value of efficient separation
Defining decanter performance and calculating separation efficiency is invaluable to our customers in all markets. We have customers in all industrial, municipal and agricultural dewatering...
On-site sample testing and performance optimisation
In the UK, GEA decanter centrifuge customers can have on-site sample testing. Alongside a trial, tests that we perform can provide valuable insight into the process and help identify areas of value...
Prosiectslyri Project Coleg Sir Gâr, Wales
UK government has released guidance for farmers and landowners on rules they must follow if their land is in a nitrate vulnerable zone (NVZ), areas at risk from agricultural nitrate pollution....
Prosiect Slyri - Slurry Project Wales
Prosiect Slyri Slurry Project in Wales, UK looks to reduce farm waste and address the agricultural industry's impact on the environment by developing a dewatering and purification system to manage...