GEA Video
Tagged with cluster
Drive dairy efficiency with GEA iFLOW
Sharemilker Mark installed the GEA iFLOW based on rave reviews from neighbouring farms - it was recommended as a lowmaintenance system that was simple to operate.
GEA Dairy Farming - Apollo™ MilkSystem für beste Milchqualität und Eutergesundheit
Bei der Agrargenossenschaft „Krevese-Drüsedau“ dreht sich alles um die sichere Erzeugung einwandfreier Milchqualität. Das neu errichtete Melkzentrum ist deshalb mit kompletter Melk- und Kühltechnik...
GEA Dairy Farming - Apollo™ MilkSystem for best milk quality and udder health
The latest investment project on the Krevese-Drüsedau agricultural cooperative is all about ensuring the best possible milk quality and optimal udder health. The newly constructed milking center...
GEA Dairy Farming - ApolloMilkSystem for best milk quality and udder health
The milking, the milking-out of the individual quarters, the subsequent dipping and the intermediate disinfection of the milking cluster all take place in a fully automated, single process with the...
IQ Milking Cluster Animation
IQ is the first four-way teat cluster in the world. Its revolutionary four-way technology ensures that you always have maximum milk quality, quantity and udder health. Using it is incomparably...
IQ Milking Cluster
IQ is the first four-way teat cluster in the world. Its revolutionary four-way technology ensures that you always have maximum milk quality, quantity and udder health. Using it is incomparably...