GEA Video
Tagged with automatic
Varipond P - Automatic operation
Once your cleaning cycle is done, and you are ready to process product again, we have automated the Varipond P. This automation feature connects the automatic start and stop of the Varipond P to an...
GEA’s largest automated milking facility in Europe
Planning and creating sustainability right from the start in GEA’s largest automated robotic milking facility in Europe. “If you’re going to do something, do it right” is what Koen Veldkamp,...
Kochshow für Milchkühe - 33 years Campaign
Schaut Euch an, wie unser Fütterungsexperte Walter Weymann eine ausgeglichene Futterration für Milchkühe erstellt.
Cooking show for dairy cows - 33 years Campaign
Let´s learn from our Feeding Expert, Walter Weymann, how to prepare a balanced feed mix for dairy cows.
Klaus Fischerkeller, Johanneshof, Germany - 33 years Campaign
"Healthier cows and longer life expectancy, that´s how the GEA Automated Feeding System helped to achieve the best performance from my cows." (Klaus Fischerkeller, Johanneshof, Germany)
Klaus Fischerkeller, Johanneshof, Deutschland, 33 years Campaign
"Gesündere Kühe und eine höhere Lebensleistung, das sind die Auswirkungen der GEA Automatischen Fütterung." (Klaus Fischerkeller, Johanneshof, Deutschland)
GEA DairyParlor P7550 (FR)
La salle GEA DairyParlor P7550 est parfaitement conçue pour les élevages moyens à importants. La conception compacte, flexible et évolutive de cette stalle side by side permet de traire un grand...
GEA Dairy Farming - Experiences with the new DairyProQ at Agrargenossenschaft Niederseidewitz – Testimonial EN
Experiences from the Agrargenossenschaft Niederseidewitz (Eastern Germany) about milking automatedly with DairyProQ
GEA Dairy Farming - Automated Milking with GEA DairyProQ - EN
Get to know GEA’s DairyProQ rotary parlor that opens groundbreaking production possibilities for milking herds of 500 cows and up.