Refrigeration & Heating

Small Steps Giant Leap (without text)

November 05, 2020 |, heating, refrigeration, sustainable
2020 marks the end of a decade and the beginning of a new one. Just like Neil Armstrong when he first set foot on the moon, we strongly believe that technology and people can truly make a difference and guide us towards a better future. As long as we set the right priorities, we can take the right actions that lead to the bigger impact we all need so badly right now, for our businesses and for the planet. As long as we know where we’re going, we can take steps in the right direction, so our leap becomes reality.

Switching to natural refrigerants, opting for innovative energy-efficient solutions, replacing a boiler with a high-performance heat pump, choosing the right components, setting the parameters of your compressors right… – these may seem like small steps but, in the end, they allow you to make a giant leap

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