Refrigeration & Heating

NEW models: GEA Red Heat Pumps


GEA Red heat pumps (GEA RedGenium and GEA RedAstrum) are
now available with an ammonia cascade evaporator. This heat exchanger uses
waste heat from any chiller process with ammonia, working simultaneously as the
condenser for the chiller and the evaporator for the heat pump. The Red heat
pump “cascade” version is perfect for all applications in which the heat pump
is added to an existing chiller. Compared with conventional systems, our
“cascade” solution improves the efficiency by over 10 %. GEA Red heat pumps
provide supply temperatures up to +80 °C (GEA RedAstrum) and +70 °C
(RedGenium), heating capacities up to 2,900 kW and are suited wherever process
or district heating is required. The GEA RedAstrum series has recently been
extended by three more (screw compressor) sizes, almost doubling the available
capacity range for our customers.

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