Pharma & Healthcare

MOBILE MINOR™ spray dryer with highly efficient powder separation

October 11, 2018 cphi, pharma, spray dryer, spray drying

At CPhI, we met with Søren Terp Madsen and talked about the MOBILE MINOR™ spray dryer. Offering an improved design but maintaining the same compact footprint, the MM-100 spray dryer from GEA, equipped with the new and highly efficient cyclone CEE (Cyclone Extra Efficiency), and is the newest addition to the MOBILE MINOR™ range. In the MOBILE MINOR™, solutions, suspensions or emulsions can be dried into representative powder samples, facilitating the retrieval of the process data required for scaling-up to industrial production. It is a flexible and easy-to-handle spray dryer which has become standard equipment in the R&D departments of many leading manufacturers, independent research institutes and universities worldwide. By nature, spray drying is a continuous process and is designed to offer both high productivity and uniform product quality during sustained periods.

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